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Review Date: 1-18-01*

In Business Since: 1980

Financial Strength: Strong. Publicly traded on the Nasdaq. Revenue for 1999 was $1.8 Billion.

Management: Excellent management team.

Management Rating: 5 Stars

Online Training & Support: Herbalife has great online support, but what I would like to see is the ability of ALL their distributors to order products online. Currently, only qualified Supervisors in the U.S. can order products online. Field Training & Support: Herbalife has one of the best field training and support in the industry. This is usually available through company and leadership sponsored events regionally, nationally, and internationally.

Motivational Support: Excellent

Overall Training & Support Rating: 4 Stars

Products/Services: Weight management, nutrition, personal care.

Product Quality/Effectiveness Rating: 5 Stars

Product Market Rating: 5 Stars

Business Opportunity Market Rating: 4 Stars

Compensation Plan: Stairstep breakaway

Compensation Plan Rating: 4 Stars

Overall Rating: 4.5 Stars

Advantages: Solid company. Operating in over 50 countries. True international opportunity.

Disadvantages: Herbalife is a 20 year old billion dollar company. Concequently, a large number of people have been exposed to the opportunity, you may run into lots of people, particularly in the U.S., who are no longer open to the Herbalife opportunity, unless they can be convinced that Herbalife is not what it used to be. Herbalife's compensation plan is also one of a relatively few comp plans, called breakaways, that are utilized mainly by older companies, such as Amway, Nuskin, NSA, Shaklee, and others. Most startups of recent years have stayed away from breakaway plans and have opted to use unilevels and binaries.

Comments: If you're looking for a weight management and/or nutritional company that is truly international and one that has longevity, then Herbalife may be the company for you. However, if you're looking for a company that is new and exciting, especially if you're in the U.S., then you might want to keep looking.

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*All information in the above review are current and accurate, to the best of our knowledge, as of the above review date. This review is not intended to be an endorsement of the above company, and it is only the opinion of staff. and it's staff member(s) are not responsible for any information errors and/or omissions. It is the responsibility of the reader of this review to have the most current information regarding the above company, which should be available from the company and/or a distributor of the company.

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